
Metaregex: Python can be fast too

20 May 2020

xkcd 1313 1

Problem Statement

I wanted to try to implement this in rust as something to do during quarantine. Doing so lead me down a rabbit whole of profiling, optimization and python performance, so I thought it was worth writing about.

Obviously, the first step was to see if someone had already done this someone else has. It turns out someone has, and that when that person is Peter Norvig, you should probably read it.

I ended up basing my code around his algorithm. This means for this post to make sense, you should go read his solution. In addition, it’s also a
delightful piece of algorithm design and pythonic code

The challenge is to port Norvig’s python solution to rust to increase performance. Specificity:

  1. No algorithm changes. This needs to be an apples to apples comparison.
  2. No custom regex code. Norvig uses pythons regex implementation, so I will use the regex crate. This will become important later.

Naïve Port

Now lets get into the first version code. The story I want to tell is not of the initial code, but of the improvements made to it. This is just the first thing that worked.

use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashSet;

type Set<'a> = HashSet<&'a str>;

const WINNERS: &str =
    "washington adams jefferson jefferson madison madison monroe \
     monroe adams jackson jackson van-buren harrison polk taylor \
     pierce buchanan lincoln lincoln grant grapartnt hayes garfield \
     cleveland harrison cleveland mckinley mckinley roosevelt taft \
     wilson wilson harding coolidge hoover roosevelt roosevelt \
     roosevelt roosevelt truman eisenhower eisenhower kennedy \
     johnson nixon nixon carter reagan reagan bush clinton clinton \
     bush bush obama obama trump";

const LOSERS: &str =
    "clinton jefferson adams pinckney pinckney clinton king adams \
     jackson adams clay van-buren van-buren clay cass scott fremont \
     breckinridge mcclellan seymour greeley tilden hancock blaine \
     cleveland harrison bryan bryan parker bryan roosevelt hughes \
     cox davis smith hoover landon willkie dewey dewey stevenson \
     stevenson nixon goldwater humphrey mcgovern ford carter \
     mondale dukakis bush dole gore kerry mccain romney clinton";

const START: u8 = b'^';
const DOT: u8 = b'.';
const END: u8 = b'$';

Things to note here:

  1. I’ve added new winners and looser to reflect the election status at the time of writing
  2. I’ve used the Itertools crate for the cartesian_product method
pub fn main() {
    let mut winners: HashSet<_> =
    let mut losers: HashSet<_> = LOSERS
        .map(|x| *x)


    println!("{}", find_regex(&mut winners, &losers));

The main function is quite unwieldy for what it needs to do. We need to use the difference method as Sub<HashSet> for &HashSet requires the elements to be Clone.

Additionally difference returns an iterator of references, but as the original Set had &str the item is now &&str so we need to dereference it before we collect to a Set.

fn find_regex(winners: &mut Set, losers: &Set) -> String {
    let mut pool: HashSet<_> =
        regex_parts(&winners, &losers).collect();
    let mut solutions: Vec<String> = vec![];
    // Iterate until we match all winners
    while winners.len() != 0 {
        // Select best candidate from pool
        let best = pool.iter().max_by_key(|pat| {
            4 * matches(pat, winners.iter().map(|&x| x)).count()
                as i64
                - pat.len() as i64
        // Candidate may be none, so we need to handle that
        if let Some(best_part) = best {
            // Add to solutions
            // Remove entries matched by new regex
            winners.retain(|entry| {
            // Remove regex's that no longer match anything
            pool.retain(|pattern| {
                matches(pattern, winners.iter().map(|&x| x))
        } else {
            eprintln!("I don't think it can be done");

This mainloop works fairly well. We keep adding the best solution, and then use retain to remove matched winners and patterns that no longer match.

One interesting thing is in the fitness function (the closure inside max_by_key) we need to convert to a signed integer, otherwise the length will underflow and we end up with

fn regex_parts<'a>(
    winners: &'a Set<'a>,
    losers: &'a Set<'a>
) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> + 'a {
    let whole = winners.iter().map(|x| format!("^{}$", x));
    let parts = whole
        .filter(move |part| {
                .all(|loser| !Regex::new(part).unwrap().is_match(loser))

This is relay nice. We can use flat_map to first expand every winner into their subparts and then expand the subparts into all the dotted versions. Then a filter to check that they don’t match any losers ensures all the parts will work.

fn dotify(word: String) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> {
    let has_front = (word.as_bytes()[0] == START) as usize;
    let has_end = (word.as_bytes()[word.len() - 1] == END) as usize;
    let len = word.len() - has_front - has_end;
    (0..2_usize.pow(len as u32))
        .map(move |x| x << has_front)
        .map(move |n| get_dots(&word, n))

fn get_dots(word: &str, n: usize) -> String {
    let mut tmp = word.to_string();
    set_dots(&mut tmp, n);

fn set_dots(word: &mut str, n: usize) {
    assert!(word.is_ascii(), "Not ascii, cant do dots");
    for i in 0..word.len() {
        if ((n >> i) & 1) != 0 {
            // Safety: The thing is all ascii, so we
            //         will maintain utf-8 invariance
            unsafe {
                word.as_bytes_mut()[i] = DOT;

The dotification is surprisingly complex. We use set_dots to use a number to encode which characters are to be turned to dots. Changing them actually requires unsafe as UTF-8 means if we tried to do it in the middle of an emoji or other multi-byte character, we’d end up with invalid unicode, so we use an assert to ensure this doesn’t happen.

get_dots is a simple wrapper around set_dots that deals with the string allocation.

dotify creates an iterator such that ^ and $ are preserved and dotifys the rest

fn subparts(word: String) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> {
    let len = word.len();
        .map(|(start, offset)| (start, start + offset))
        .filter(move |(_, end)| *end <= len)
        .map(move |(start, end)| word[start..end].to_owned())

fn matches<'a>(
    r: &String,
    strs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a {
    let re = Regex::new(r).unwrap();
    strs.filter(move |s| re.is_match(s))

Finally a few helper methods.

If your not sure what any of these these functions do, the tests are here.

This code is not well optimized. Regexes are being compiled only to be used once and theirs a lot of string allocation. However untuned rust code has been known to beat c, so I should beat norvig’s python, right?

$ hyperfine out/v1_naive
Time (mean ± σ):    2.426s ± 0.070s [User: 2.420s, System: 0.001s]
Range (min … max):  2.227s … 2.692s 500 runs

$ hyperfine python norvig.py 
Time (mean ± σ):    1.186 s ± 0.013 s  [User: 1.179s, System: 0.003s]
Range (min … max):  1.161 s … 1.252 s  500 runs


How could this have happened. Well Norvig’s code (probably) spends most of it’s time not in interpreting python but in regex and set operators. Both of these are written in c. So the performance will actually be competitive.

Cheep tricks

Going throught the cheep tricks, we add

lto = "fat"
codegen-units = 1

and build with RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release

$ hyperfine ./target/release/v3_cheep_tricks
Time (mean ± σ):    2.317s ± 0.068s  [User: 2.311s, System: 0.001s]
Range (min … max):  2.148s … 2.587s  500 runs

3 Modest gains, but this isn’t what we’re looking for.


Given none of the cheep tricks have worked, we need to actually know what we’re spending time on. Running cargo flamegraph we get:

A flamegraph, most of the time is spent inRegex::new

(You can click on the image to view the full interactive SVG.)

Most of the time is going to building the regex (Regex::new), but with some time going to is_match and drop_in_place.

Let’s look at regex compilation. Regex strings are “compiled” to an internal representation that allows matching. Givin this may be the only application (let me know if it isn’t) that depends on compiling regex’s fast, the regex crate is designed (much like rust itself) to do lots of work at compile time to avoid doing work at runtime. In fact, in the performance guide, the first thing it tells you is avoid compiling regexes.

Therefor what needs to happen is when a String for a regex part is generated in regex_parts, it is stored with the regex::Regex it represents instead of creating that regex::Regex every time.

Caching Regexes

Let’s make a struct to represent a Part of a regex (eg i..n).

struct Part {
    string: String,
    reg: Regex,

Because regex::Regex doesn’t implement Hash or Eq (why would it?), we need to do that ourselves. Fortunately we can use the string to do that as every string uniquely identifies a regex.

impl Hash for Part {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl PartialEq for Part {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.string == other.string
impl Eq for Part {}

impl Part {
    fn new(string: String) -> Self {
        let reg = Regex::new(&string).unwrap();
        Self { reg, string }

Now to rewrite the rest of the code. First we add .map(Part::new) to regex_parts to generate the regex their. Every regex gets run at least once (in max_by_key) so we don’t have to worry about lazily compiling them. Next we change the function signatures and replace the calls with the regex parts. As most of them will access the string field, but Regex::new(...).unwrap() can become reg.

For example, matches becomes:

fn matches<'a>(
    r: &'a Part,
    strs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a {
    strs.filter(move |s| r.reg.is_match(s))

The only complication was that we had to add #![type_length_limit="12373190"]. This is because regex_parts returns a iterator so complex it’s full type signature is:

core::iter::adapters::chain::Chain<core::iter::adapters::Map<core::iter::adapters::Map<std::collections::hash::set::Iter<&str>, playground::regex_parts::{{closure}}>, playground::Part::new>, core::iter::adapters::Filter<core::iter::adapters::Map<core::iter::adapters::flatten::FlatMap<core::iter::adapters::flatten::FlatMap<core::iter::adapters::Map<std::collections::hash::set::Iter<&str>, playground::regex_parts::{{closure}}>, core::iter::adapters::Map<core::iter::adapters::Filter<core::iter::adapters::Map<itertools::adaptors::Product<core::ops::range::RangeInclusive<usize>, core::ops::range::Range<usize>>, playground::subparts::{{closure}}>, playground::subparts::{{closure}}>, playground::subparts::{{closure}}>, playground::subparts>, core::iter::adapters::Map<core::iter::adapters::Map<core::ops::range::Range<usize>, playground::dotify::{{closure}}>, playground::dotify::{{closure}}>, playground::dotify>, playground::Part::new>, playground::regex_parts::{{closure}}>>

Has this worked.

$ hyperfine ./target/release/v5_cache_regex
Time (mean ± σ):    194.0ms ±   1.6ms  [User: 182.9ms, System: 10.4ms]
Range (min … max):  190.8ms … 206.0ms  500 runs

Yep, it has. That said norvig did this too, in his follow up post so we should benchmark that one, to be fair. 4

$ hyperfine python norvig_cache.py
Time (mean ± σ):    788.8ms ±  10.2ms  [User: 783.9ms, System: 2.9ms]
Range (min … max):  770.8ms … 821.4ms  500 runs

But can we go further? Let’s do a flamegraph for this new version and see where we land

Their’s three main parts:

Alternative Allocations

Next we can replace the allocator. Rust makes it very easy to use an alternative to the system allocator, such as Jemalloc 5:

static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;
hyperfine ./target/release/v7_jemalloc
Time (mean ± σ):    169.2ms ±   1.5ms  [User: 158.2ms, System: 10.5ms]
Range (min … max):  166.4ms … 179.6ms  500 runs

That a roughly 15% speedup just by ditching the system allocator (glibc 2.30-11).

After using jemalloc, the flamegraph looks like this, and their is very little time spend allocating. Almost all the time is spend in regex itself, so I think that’s as far as we can go while keeping this a fair test.


Rust is fast but python can be fast too. While it can be easy to assume that with zero cost abstraction’s and no garbage collector and no runtime, rust will smoke interpreted languages like python and node. This isn’t the case. Alot of work has gone into cpython and v8 optimizations, and they both use c/c++ for things like regex and strings.

To quote ashley williams (quoting someone else)

I just fully expected to rust my way into 50% perf over js. Sometimes you forget that v8 is pretty darn fast

This apples equally to python. Rust isn’t a silver bullet for speed. Garbage collection doesn’t automatically mean performance will be bad. RIIR can make things worse. Rust is great, but so are other language

Future work

Several things could still be done

Use a common regex framework.

By using PCRE on both sides, we could eliminate one cause of performance difference.

Use a custom regex engine

On the other end of the specrum, if the goal is juicing as much speed as possible out of playing meta-regex golf, I suspect the way forward will be a custom regex engine that is designed for fast compilation and only supports the subset of regex used.

Go over norvig’s part 2

Norvig has written a followup to the original post. I have just used it for the cached version, but their are also some improvement to the algorithm, both in terms of speed and output quality, it would be interesting to port over.

Results Table

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
python3 norvig_nocache.py1.186 ± 0.0131.1611.2527.0
python3 norvig_with_cache.py0.789 ± 0.0100.7710.8214.7
out/v1_naive2.426 ± 0.0702.2272.69214.3
out/v3_cheep_tricks2.317 ± 0.0682.1482.58713.7
out/v5_cache_regex0.194 ± 0.0020.1910.2061.1
out/v7_jemalloc0.169 ± 0.0020.1660.1801.0

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  1. Comic licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License

  2. See here for the full setup and code, but in short I originally used time and awk to average benchmarks, but a kind redditor, suggested hyperfine, so I reran the benchmarks with that.

    Benchmarked with hyperfine -w 15 -m 500 --export-markdown BENCH.md "python3 norvig_nocache.py" "python3 norvig_with_cache.py" out/* on a system with

  3. In case you’re woundering where v2 is, it was trying to solve with regex features. Every combination other than the default seemed to slow it down. This is also what v5 was. v4 was to #[inline(never)], and didn’t need to show up in the benchmark. If you really want to see them, you can dig through the history in the repo

  4. As burntsushi (maintainer of the regex crate) pointed out, python will also implicitly cache regexes, so be aware of that. That said, adding one line to manually cache is about 2x faster, so I don’t really understand what’s going on.

  5. I also tried mimalloc, but is was slower.

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